Sustainable Jersey is a nonprofit organization that provides tools, training and financial incentives to support communities as they pursue sustainability programs. By supporting community efforts to reduce waste, cut greenhouse gas emissions, and improve environmental equity, Sustainable Jersey is empowering communities to build a better world for future generations.
Sustainable Jersey certification is a prestigious designation for municipal governments in New Jersey. Municipalities that achieve the certification are considered by their peers, by state government and by the experts and civic organizations in New Jersey, to be among the leading municipalities. The certification is a rigorous and meaningful designation. All actions taken by municipalities to score points toward certification must be accompanied by documentary evidence and is reviewed. The certification is free and completely voluntary.
A Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste Ordinance requires that a certain percentage of C&D debris generated from construction projects be diverted from landfill disposal and instead managed through reuse and recycling options. To earn 10 points for this action, a town can adopt a C&D ordinance to more sustainably manage waste.
Who should lead and be involved with this action?
The municipal recycling coordinator (preferably one who is certified) or other appropriate municipal staff involved in waste management should be involved in the implementation of this action.
Your municipality’s lead on this action needs to work with your municipality’s Engineer, Environmental Commission, and representatives from the following groups: NJ Department of Environmental Protection (DEP); the County Improvement Authority that deals with solid waste and recycling; the township’s developers, contractors, and trades people; trash and recycling haulers; and end-market representatives. Buy-in from each group is critical for the success of the program.
To learn more, go to the Sustainable NJ website.